Ikan Asin Tongkol Besar
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Salted Tuna Fish, 80 gr
Description:Salted Tuna Fish can be enjoyed by frying or cooking. It has a distinctive taste that adds to the pleasure when eaten.
Salted fish is one of the side dishes that is widely favored by the Indonesian people. In addition to chili sauce and crackers, salted fish is also often present as a complement to food, such as uduk rice or fried rice.
terong, potong sesuai selera, ikan asin selar, rendam air panas selama 10 menit. Tiriskan, tongkol, belah 2, air asam jawa, daun jeruk, bawang putih, cincang, bawang merah, cincang, cabai rawit hijau, cincang, cabai hijau keriting, cincang *dimasukkan belakangan supaya warnanya tetap cerah, gula pasir, garam, lada bubuk